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26.11.20 5 min read Technology

9 strengths of the Shopware 6 platform

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Shopware 6 is an e-commerce platform that is already trusted by over 100,000 customers. This modern, flexible and innovative system is the perfect tool for businesses facing the challenges of a demanding market. As a proud official partner of Shopware, we’d like to present our take on the platform’s advantages that provide immense benefits to the day-to-day operations and development of an e-commerce business.

Easy Management of Discounts

Using Shopware makes discount management easier than ever. You can manage your online shop discounts through a dedicated tab in the Shopware 6 admin panel. The process is simple, yet in-depth. Discounts can quickly be set for all customers, for selected groups and sales channels, or after the specified conditions are met.

Another useful feature is the discount code generator. You can generate one single- or multiple-use code, or an unlimited number of individual codes. These and other possibilities for discount management will prove invaluable to any e-commerce business. It also boosts customer experience.

Management of Multiple Sales Channels from a Single Panel

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Shopware 6 is the perfect eCommerce platform for companies that follow a multichannel strategy and operate in several foreign markets. The platform offers many solutions to facilitate the management of B2C and B2B sales, regardless of where your customers reside. 

The product portfolio, currency, and language can often differ between sales channels. However, even though online stores, marketplaces, social media, and POS each have their specificities, the admin panel of Shopware 6 can handle transactions generated by all these points in the same place. Multi-currency? No problem! These possibilities and the resulting great customer experience, are one of the principles behind the design of Shopware.

Advanced Product Management

Shopware 6 offers a vast array of product management functionalities, including several that can enhance your business by accelerating and automating some processes. If your store offers products with multiple variants, you’ll find managing them to be easy and effective.

Shopware has created a dedicated panel for managing the properties of products –just open up the product sheet to choose and apply the properties to a given product. The system will then generate a list of all product variants based on the properties you have selected. Each variant can be assigned a separate inventory stock, price, or discount.

Another great feature for your online store is the Custom Products module, available in the Professional edition. This comprehensive functionality allows you to configure and sell non-standard products. Before buying a non-standard product, a customer is given the option to specify selected elements. For example, the customer can upload a photo to create a personalized print. This will certainly boost the shopping experience.

Dynamic product groups is a functionality designed to automate the grouping of products, based on user-defined rules. For example, you can create a group called ‘green boxes’ and let the system automatically assign to it all products from the ‘boxes’ category that are ‘green’ in colour. It will include all current and future products that fit these 2 criteria. The group will then be updated in real-time. Dynamic groups can be presented in various parts of the online store, such as on the homepage or the landing page.

Advanced Marketing Tools

Would you believe that even without any artistic or programming skills, users can create a whole online store with extensive descriptions of their product categories, product search engine or even the graphical layout of a store’s homepage? And all this within minutes? One of the most impressive aspects of Shopware 6 is its extremely intuitive, easy-to-use panel for designing landing pages that comes with numerous selectable elements.

You can start building a page template by using the drag & drop function to move defined blocks (text blocks, graphical blocks, product lists, videos, etc.) into the editor. Next, simply fill in the content, and the page is ready to go! Using Shopware will significantly reduce your marketing budget, while at the same time allowing you to respond quickly to market demands and opportunities.

Digital Asset Management (DAM)

The DAM module in Shopware 6 is designed for the central storage of images, photos, videos, and other product-related files. Having all documents stored in the same place makes managing a store significantly easier and saves time, especially if there are multiple administrators. You no longer have to save the files on computer disks, send them to different locations via e-mail or store them in dispersed folders. With just a single repository, you’ll always know where to look.

Shopware 6 includes an option to group your assets into categories and organize the folders. The assets can then be looked up, sorted, and filtered. You can make the specific materials you need even easier to find by assigning tags (keywords) to each file, and can then view where each file is currently being used.

Online Store SEO

Shopware 6 features mechanisms that will help you to optimize your online store for Google searches. In this respect, attention to detail pays off immensely. After all, we’re talking about one of the top sources of incoming traffic to your e-commerce.

Shopware 6 allows you to specify the meta title to automate the process for product pages and categories. Each page can also have a meta description or a short paragraph about its content (up to 160 characters). You can assign SEO parameters to all images and photos, such as the name, alt text, and title. Lastly, Shopware 6 allows you to configure SEO-friendly URLs, to further improve the Google ranking of your website.

Let's talk about your Shopware eCommerce!

Flexibility and API-First Architecture

One of the main features of Shopware 6 is its easy integration with all sales channels; so important for every e-commerce. Shopware 6 can not only be readily integrated with standard options such as marketplaces, social shopping, mobile apps, or physical outlets but also meets the expectations of a modern market by enabling integration with IOT and voice searches.

Shopware 6 is founded on the API-first principle, which means that all the functionalities of a store can be handled by an API. This provides extensive possibilities for integration with external systems and enables process automation.

Shopware PWA for users of mobile devices

The Progressive Web App (PWA) is an increasingly popular technology that allows users to create effective websites, which are adjusted to the interfaces of mobile devices. It’s a feature that builds upon responsive website technology to deliver an even better user experience.

According to these worldwide eCommerce statistics,  by 2025, mobile e-commerce sales should more than double to reach $7.28 trillion and account for 44.2% of retail eCommerce sales in the US.

Hence, for many, PWA is now a must, not an option.

Community, Plugins, and Modern Technology

Shopware 6 is an open-source e-commerce platform, which means that the entire community involved in the brand contributes to its development. Developers are continuously working on plugins that can be downloaded for free or purchased via the Community Store. You simply integrate them with your store, instead of programming a plugin on your own. It saves you a lot of time and money that you can spend on growing your business. 

Shopware 6 is based on new technologies, including PHP Symfony and Vue.js. The system’s modern and user-friendly architecture is a significant strength, from a programmer’s perspective, which is in turn a key factor in its popularity. Developers simply like and want to work with Shopware 6.

Is Shopware 6 for you?

Shopware 6 is a future-oriented platform that is focused on the needs of online businesses and responds to current trends. Each version of it is better; they won’t stop improving the shopping experience. Do you think Shopware 5 was good? Shopware 6 will bring you to the next level!

We highly recommend this platform to both small stores and rapidly developing medium-sized companies that operate across multiple markets and channels. If these 9 strengths of the Shopware 6 platform match your expectations, and you’d like to learn more, contact us and let’s talk about your business. 

Sylwia Paszyna author
Sylwia Paszyna
Cntent Expert and New Technologies Enthusiast @ Tandemite


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