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27.01.21 6 min read Technology

Shopware 6 vs. Magento 2: comparison of e-commerce platforms

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When setting up an online store, you face the difficult decision of choosing an e-commerce platform. Such software is the basis on which your store will be built and operated. There are many solutions available, most notably Shopware 6 and Magento 2. These are open-source platforms, meaning that they can be extended in many different ways by independent developers. If you don't know which software will be best for your business, be sure to check out the article below.

Modern and functional technology in Shopware 6

The online store software Shopware 6 uses state-of-the-art technology. The platform is extremely intuitive to use. The system, which is integrated through an extensive API, allows for the management of multiple sales channels from a single location. Access to all options at any time, simple management and modern technology are features that anyone in the industry will find interesting. This makes it easy to find a software house that will set up a store with Shopware 6, take care of its updates and supervise the platform. What's more, the pricing and labour time of setting up a store with Shopware 6 is usually lower than with Magento 2, thanks to the more user-friendly and progressive technology. The same is true for implementing custom solutions in addition to ready-made modules and plugins.

Shopware 6: the way to a fast online store

Are you pressed for time? Do you want to start your online business as quickly as possible? Then Shopware 6 is the perfect solution for you. For a small online store, an efficient software house can implement a complete system in as little as two months. This would be unthinkable with Magento 2, which requires at least a few months of work, often extending to a full year. The speed of setting up a store in Shopware 6 results from the following main factors:

  • A clear API with great integration possibilities,
  • Fewer lines of code are usually needed to perform the same actions in Shopware 6 than in Magento 2,
  • The flexibility of Shopware 6 and its use of modern technologies make expansion easier and faster,
  • A large number of free modules, along with a dynamically growing base of paid plug-ins. enable simple and quick development of the store.

Does the store run more efficiently with Shopware 6?

There are many indications that an online store based on Shopware 6 is faster than one based on Magento 2. This does not apply homepage loading times, as the Magento 2 platform may be slightly faster in this regard. However, the individual subpages, product pages and internal search engine are often faster on sites based on Shopware 6. Keep in mind, however, that Shopware 6 is a platform that is mainly suited for small and medium-sized online stores. For larger stores, it may be difficult to find the right modules, which means you have to prepare them yourself. This way, you run the risk of reducing the speed of your website; but you may also achieve the opposite effect. Modifications made by developers, combined with good optimisation, can improve the performance of the website.

Setup and maintenance costs for Shopware 6 and Magento 2

The overall process of setting up a store with Shopware 6 usually turns out to be significantly cheaper than with Magento 2. The subsequent costs of running the store will also be lower if you use Shopware 6. This is due to several factors:

  • Lower implementation costs, thanks to the simple and intuitive operation of the Shopware 6 platform, and thus, less developer effort,
  • The basic, free Shopware 6 package has many powerful features and offers significant configuration options from the admin panel,
  • The paid packages in Shopware 6 are cheaper than in Magento 2. The Shopware Professional Edition package is a one-time cost of less than $2,000, while its Magento 2 counterpart requires an annual fee of approximately $18,000. For the highest packages, the prices in Shopware 6 and Magento 2 are about $6,000 one-time and about $22,000 per year, respectively, with the price in Magento 2 depending on the store's turnover, which can make it higher.

Magento 2 as one of the largest CMS platforms for e-commerce in the world

The above information seems to show that Shopware 6 is a better solution than Magento 2. But is this really the case? Undoubtedly, in some cases Shopware 6 is indeed better. However, remember that Magento is an extremely renowned platform, popular all over the world. It also has numerous advantages, which in some cases appear to dominate over the strengths of Shopware.

First of all, Magento has a huge community. That's why new modules are constantly developed, giving you the possibility to expand your online store. Almost any solution in terms of payment systems, product descriptions or marketing activities is available for Magento 2. Admittedly, most of them require additional fees, but some solutions available in Magento 2 are simply missing from Shopware 6. Therefore, if you're setting up a large store, and your idea requires you to implement many complex solutions, it will undoubtedly be easier for you to operate in Magento 2 than in Shopware 6. Are you going to offer various types of products, including digital and virtual ones? Are you planning to accept payments in cash and by card, but also in cryptocurrencies and other non-standard forms? With Magento 2, you’ll do it easily using ready-made solutions, while with Shopware 6, you’ll have to pay for the preparation and implementation of the corresponding code.

Both Magento 2 and Shopware 6 are scalable and adaptable to your changing needs. However, if you are planning a permanent expansion of a large store and want it to run smoothly, Magento 2 seems to be a better choice. It's worth considering your plans and business perspectives already at the platform implementation stage. A poor choice of software can cause a lot of trouble in the future. Moving an entire store from one platform to another is labour-intensive and expensive, and what's worse, you risk losing some data.

Magento 2: the best solution for large stores

Both Shopware 6 and Magento 2 have their strengths. However, their features predispose them to be used in slightly different cases. If you are planning to set up a large store, with thousands of products for thousands of customers, Magento 2 is a better solution for you because:

  • It offers more ready-made modules for store expansion,
  • It allows you to sell all types of products (including digital and virtual),
  • With Magento 2, you become a member of a huge community, providing know-how and ready-made solutions,
  • Magento 2 gives you great opportunities in terms of SEO.

Shopware 6: the ideal solution for a small to medium-sized online store

You're building a small or medium-sized online store and you’re not planning to expand it significantly in the near future? Then choose Shopware 6, because it's the optimal solution for you. The following arguments speak for themselves:

  • A system tailored for sales in many channels and markets,
  • A well-developed basic package free of charge,
  • Lower costs of access to additional functions than with Magento 2,
  • Simple and intuitive operation,
  • High flexibility: developers have great opportunities to customise the system to individual needs,
  • A large number of free and paid modules extending the operation of the platform,
  • The possibility to sell most types of products.

As you can see, there’s no simple answer to the question of which e-commerce platform is better. In fact, it would be most accurate to say that it all depends on the circumstances. If you want to make the right choice, use our knowledge contained in this article, or even better, contact us! Tell us your needs, and we will analyse them and suggest the best solution for you. We will then implement and maintain your store on the platform of your choice, Shopware 6 or Magento 2.

Sylwia Paszyna author
Sylwia Paszyna
Content Expert and New Technologies Enthusiast @ Tandemite

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