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Headless CMS

The future of content management

Headless CMS is a content management system in which the "head", i.e. the content repository, is separated from the visual layer of the website or application. Texts, graphics, videos or other materials are provided and adapted to various interfaces via API. Through one platform, you can manage a wide range of content and distribute it to any number of channels.

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You'll lose your head for him

CMS or Headless CMS?

So what is the difference between content management systems.

In a traditional CMS there is a front-end (or "head") that downloads content from the database and displays it in specific templates using HTML, an administration panel responsible for the back-end and a database that stores the content.

The primary task of CMS systems was to manage the content displayed on the website. With the growing importance of other communication channels - such as web and mobile applications - the functionality of traditional systems has turned out to be insufficient.

The answer to the challenges of today is Headless CMS, devoid of front-end functionalities. The system only contains a content management panel, a database and an API that provides the data.

The Headless CMS architecture allows for freedom in the choice of front technologies, and thus for presenting content in various devices - smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, self-service checkouts or digital kiosks.

In a few words

The advantages of Headless CMS are:

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Great flexibility in the scope of content distribution - in many channels with different architecture, using different technologies.

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Freedom in creating the front layer - the lack of restrictions in the choice of technology allows developers the freedom to choose frameworks and tools.

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Independence of editors from developers - new content and changes introduced by content managers do not affect the visual layer of the website or application.

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Front-end independence from back-end - the front-end can be changed or developed without the back-end (and vice versa), which ensures more efficient iterations.

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Increased system speed - the front-end delivers the content that the user is looking for faster.

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System security - separation of the front-end and back-end between independent servers increases the security of the architecture and ensures better data protection.

A new dimension in content publishing

Tandemite x Headless CMS

The first mentions of Headless CMS systems appeared in Google in 2015. At Tandemite, we follow the development of this technology from the very beginning - our many years of experience in working with e-commerce businesses told us that this is a solution that will meet the expectations of many of our clients. And we were not wrong.

In recent years, we have carried out Headless CMS implementations for enterprises of various scales and from many industries - each time accurately matching technological solutions to the needs and business goals of our clients.

The Headless CMS systems we focus on are Storyblok, Strapi, and Contentful.


Tandemite in numbers

We take facts into account.




years of experience

> 100

millions of visits to the pages we have created

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See for yourself

Is Headless CMS for you?

Check if Headless CMS is the right answer to your e-commerce needs.

Choose a headless content management system if you plan to:


You plan to promote your offer through multiple marketing channels and easily manage your content in each of them.


You want the marketing department and editors to work independently from the IT department and be able to manage content themselves.


You bet on technology that will keep up with your marketing department and will scale with your business.


You need reliable solutions that can be fully integrated with your systems.

What is the conclusion?

Headless CMS in practice

About how digital experience translates into business results.

Headless CMS is a solution that primarily reduces the costs of managing countless amounts of content. It has never been easier to change text and graphics at all points of contact with the customer at the same time.

According to a survey of Contenful users, 82% see a direct link between digital experiences and increased revenues. At the same time, as many as 76% claim that they do not have the appropriate tools to deliver consistent content * (Survey of CMS users, Contentful).

The largest players who use Headless CMS include: NASA, IBM, Walmart, Blue Diamond Growers, PubNub, Skyscanner Limited.

86 %

people are optimistic about Headless CMS

66 %

Headless CMS users declare that they love this solution

43 %

marketers believe that thanks to Headless CMS, they are less dependent on the IT department

Take the lead in your industry with our headless CMS expertise

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Experience in numbers

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When you still want more

Related Technologies

Headless CMS is a solution that is used by businesses of various scales, operating in many industries - both in the B2B and B2C segment.

Do you want to learn about solutions that will provide your customers with the best digital experience? Our team will help you choose the most appropriate and perspective technologies.

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CEO Maciej Pałubicki

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