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30.01.24 9 min read Technology

Storyblok vs Contentful. Make the smart choice for your CMS needs

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The journey into headless CMS often leads to a crossroads: Storyblok or Contentful? Many businesses find themselves lost at this stage because choosing the ideal CMS solution can truly transform the way you manage and deliver content.

Decisions, decisions...

Join us in comparing Storyblok and Contentful. Our analysis covers their key benefits, and limitations, aiming to enlighten business managers and tech directors in their decision-making journey.

Exploring the world of headless CMS

Content management is evolving. Traditional CMS systems (e.g. WordPress, Joomla) bind frontend and backend. In contrast, headless content management system separates these elements for more flexibility in how content is delivered and displayed.

Headless CMS platforms abound, and we're here to help you navigate them. Our focus today: a side-by-side look at Storyblok and Contentful. In your opinion, which one stands out as the most user-friendly content management system?

Storyblok vs Contentful. Make the smart choice for your CMS needs image1

Key strengths of Contentful

01 Industry recognition

Many experts and analysts consider Contentful a leading choice in the headless CMS industry. The platform serves many high-profile clients, whose experiences with Contentful provide evidence of its capacity to handle a range of demanding digital content needs.

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Over time, Contentful has formed a strong, diverse community, including professionals like developers, content managers, and digital strategists. This vibrant community reflects the market's trust in Contentful.

02 Scaling content made easy 

Contentful excels in scalability with its cloud-native infrastructure and API-first design, suitable for businesses experiencing growth. This CMS is perfect for enhancing digital presence and handling variable traffic without sacrificing performance.

Its flexibility in content modeling as well as developer-friendly tools and Software Development Kits (SDKs) allow for adaptation and expansion in line with evolving business needs.

Hint: If you have a simple website with standard content needs, Contentful might be overkill, both in terms of complexity and cost.

03 Extensive integration options

With Contentful, businesses can easily integrate their CMS content management system with other platforms and tools. It supports a wide range of integrations, from e-commerce platforms like Shopify to marketing and analytics tools like Google Analytics.

Moreover, Contentful's selection of SDKs and APIs provides developers with the flexibility to work with multiple programming languages and frameworks. This allows for creation of custom integrations. Whether for developing new front-end experiences or integrating distinct internal systems, Contentful offers the necessary tools.

04 Your multilingual digital platform

Contentful CMS is a feature-packed platform which enables the creation and management of content in different languages, beneficial for businesses targeting global or multilingual audiences.

It helps in correctly targeting content based on language preferences, and includes features for seamless integration with translation services.


Check out! Contentful's free community-tier account is ideal for newcomers and those with tight budgets, providing a risk-free opportunity to try out its main features. This account allows users to manage content, utilize the API, and explore core functionalities, helping them assess if Contentful meets their needs before upgrading to a paid plan.

Weaknesses of Contentful

01 Cost factor

Contentful is a premium CMS at a premium price. The platform offers a content management solution that might be expensive for small teams or businesses with tight budgets. The free version is limited in capabilities, and the more extensive features come with a cost in the paid versions, which may be a financial stretch for some.

To get the best results from Contentful, you may have to use extra tools and services, which can add complexity and cost.

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02 Complexity for beginners

Users might find Contentful challenging, more so if they're not experienced in data modeling. This difficulty can result in longer times to get projects up and running, and affect how quickly users adapt to the platform and manage content effectively.

03 Ease of customization concerns

Contentful's high level of adaptability comes with a catch. While you can customize Contentful in many ways, these adaptations usually need developer input. Organizations with a small technical team may find this problematic.

Ideal use cases for Contentful

Contentful is well-suited for:

  • midsize to large enterprises and complex projects that require extensive content coordination and control over multiple digital channels,
  • organizations looking to create and manage custom content structures,
  • companies managing content in multiple languages and requiring strong localization features,
  • projects that need to integrate with a variety of other systems and tools,
  • businesses that anticipate scaling up their operations and require a content management systems that can grow with them,
  • projects where developers need full control over how content is managed and delivered.
Storyblok vs Contentful. Make the smart choice for your CMS needs image4

Key strengths of Storyblok

01 Intuitive content editing

Storyblok offers a Visual Editor that is highly intuitive, setting a new benchmark in the headless CMS field. This editor, designed for simplicity in use, is a priceless asset for marketing teams. Thanks to the real-time preview function, users can immediately see updates as they happen.

02 Efficient content blocks system

With Storyblok, you manage content in separate blocks. The focus on components leads to well-organized, repeatable content. You can create and reuse content blocks, streamlining the process and ensuring uniformity.

03 Uniting teams through enhanced workflow

Storyblok is designed for collaborative content creation, allowing many team members to work on the same piece at the same time. It further offers workflow features to streamline the content creation process, including scheduling and version control.

04 Affordable Storyblok pricing

Storyblok provides cost-effective solutions, appealing to startups and businesses of small to medium scale seeking quality at a reasonable price.

 It also offers a free tier.

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Storyblok vs Contentful. Make the smart choice for your CMS needs image6

Weaknesses of Storyblok

01 Challenges in complex environments

For larger enterprises with intricate content structures, Storyblok may face limitations. Its design, centered around visual 'bloks', can necessitate content replication in different scenarios. While effective for straightforward applications, this approach may not support efficient scaling or content repurposing across multiple channels.

02 Narrow customization scope

Modifying Storyblok CMS to fit precise requirements can be tough. The range of components does not cater to every unique need, and there's a limit to how deeply the system can be customized. This often calls for developer help.

03 Community and resource limitations

Storyblok's community and resources are expanding, yet they don't quite measure up to those of more established CMS options. This can mean less availability of third-party resources, tutorials, and support from the community.

Ideal use cases for Storyblok

Storyblok is a strong option for:

  • businesses aiming to boost their digital presence through content-focused websites (particularly corporate blogs, portfolios and marketing websites),
  • smaller projects or startup environments, providing less complex content structures and a quick deployment,
  • teams that value visually-focused content management capabilities,
  • projects that require a more user-friendly and less technical approach,
  • projects that need a straightforward, out-of-the-box solution with slight customization needs,
  • teams aiming to build and reuse content components on multiple pages.

How to choose between Contentful and Storyblok for your project?

In the debate of Storyblok vs Contentful, the real loser might be traditional CMS systems.

When considering a CMS software for your project, both Contentful and Storyblok stand out as strong headless CMS choices. To determine the best fit, evaluate your project's needs, the skills of your team, content requirements, and budget. This will help you decide which CMS, Contentful or Storyblok, aligns better with your project's goals.

With significant experience in both Storyblok and Contentful, Tandemite is your go-to partner for headless CMS implementations. We're committed to helping you choose the right CMS for your digital objectives. Reach out to us for a discussion on your project needs and expert guidance in CMS selection.

Interested in headless solutions? Let's talk!
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