Shopware vs Shopify. Which is better? It goes without saying that the eCommerce market is overflowing with different products. Some of the most popular solutions allow businesses to create online stores that are adjusted directly to their customer base. You’ve probably heard of both Shopify and Shopware. If you’re interested in implementing either of these two leading eCommerce platforms and want to learn more about the similarities and differences between them, read on!
From this article, you’ll learn:
- What is Shopware?
- What is Shopify?
- Shopware vs Shopify: the key differences.
- Which one is the best choice for you?
- What are the subscription plans?
- Why flexibility matters.
Shopware vs Shopify - which is better for your business?
Picking an appropriate eCommerce platform is a real challenge, especially with more solutions appearing on the market every day that, at first glance, offer very similar functionalities.
Among online shop owners, there's a discussion about which is better: Shopware vs Shopify. While both platforms are solid choices for eCommerce businesses, it’s worth learning about their strengths and weaknesses before you make your final decision.
Shopware vs Shopify: if you’re wondering which platform will best fit the needs of your business, then the comparison below may help you decide.
Shopware and Shopify - 2 shining stars
There is only one boss: the customer - Sam Walton
Shopware is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms, with the most advanced options available on the market (as many say). Its chief strength is its flexibility, which allows you to implement a wide variety of solutions.
Shopware is open-source (Community Edition), which means that the source code is available to everyone and can be freely modified, copied, and shared.
The platform has an extensive global fan base, as its users enjoy frequent updates and technical support across all stages of the development of an online store.
Conversely, Shopify is a well-established platform that is especially popular with medium businesses in the US, where it accounts for 10% of the country’s entire online trade industry.
Shopify allows you to create your eCommerce platform eCommerce infrastructure and manage it through a rich selection of tools, ranging from a content editor to a payment gateway.
Shopify is fully cloud-based, and as such, it can be accessed from any place and device, at any time you like.
Functionalities: Shopware vs Spotify
The primary goal of the Shopware platform is to provide a unique user experience. The platform can not only create pathways to purchases but can also optimize consumer experiences.

Below is a list of Shopware’s most important functions:
The Shopware platform can be integrated with various solutions, such as PayU or Klarna (for its ‘buy now, pay later’ functionality). These popular solutions will help to inspire trust among your customers and boost sales.
An API System
Shopware is based on an application programming interface, or ‘API’. In practical terms, this means that you can use the platform freely, without worrying about technical matters.
User Experience
The user experience is another focal point of Shopware. Its developers have taken care to support purchase words and experience worlds, where understanding the real needs of customers is just as important as providing a unique user experience.
B2B and B2C
Shopware can be used to create B2B, as well as B2C platforms, and offers solutions designed for both types of sales and marketing.
The platform developers are also well aware that customer data must be protected at all times, so they have taken care to implement state-of-the-art security and data protection features.
Shopware’s diverse features have earned the platform its popularity among both small and large enterprises, in many different sectors. In addition, Shopware has frequent updates and software improvements.

As with Shopware, Shopify offers a diverse range of solutions tailored to eCommerce businesses.
While Shopify is extremely popular in the eCommerce industry in the US, its many strengths also make it a common choice among companies throughout the world.
Shopify advantages
With Shopify, you can build an online store in mere hours. It’s the ideal option if you want to see the results of a professional online shop for yourself quickly.
Creative Freedom
Shopify is oriented towards user creativity, which is why the platform gives you the option to create flexible designs (some limitations still apply) and has an extensive library of pre-made visual components.
Customer Opinions
Customers of Shopify-based stores can add opinions and star ratings, which provide an excellent source of feedback and a means of improving your customer engagement.
Shopify has thousands of employees worldwide, who are ready to respond immediately in case of an emergency.
The platform remains a competitive solution on the market, thanks not only to its accessibility but also to a selection of additional components that can be easily integrated into your store.
Shopware vs Shopify: most important differences
Both Shopware and Shopify can be considered nearly perfect in many respects – because shortcomings are unavoidable, even with modern technologies.
For instance, Shopware has a higher entry threshold than Shopify due to some of its components that require basic programming know-how. On the other hand, it also offers many functionalities for less technologically advanced users.
Conversely, Shopify, despite its great variety of functions, seems a little lacking in terms of design possibilities. As a result, you won’t always be able to create an interface that matches your vision 100%.
Shopware eCommerce platform was launched in 2004, while Shopify appeared in 2006, which makes the former slightly older, but only in terms of its age, not its technological advancement.
Both platforms will allow you to create an extensive online store. Both also provide comprehensive customization options that let you tailor your store, both to your company and to your customers.
Shopware and Shopify subscription plans
Shopify’s well-known process is to be as easy to use as possible. In turn, Shopware focuses on enhancing the user experience.
Browse through the Shopware vs Shopify plans and pick an eCommerce platform according to its features and price.
Shopware paid plans:
- Rise. This subscription costs EUR/USD 600 per month. While this is the most basic version, it still contains everything you need to create your own online store here.
- Evolve. This version comes with non-standard pricing, which means that you’ll need to contact the Shopware team directly. A higher subscription fee translates into more functionalities, more extensive support, and more design and management options.
- Beyond. This plan also has non-standard pricing and requires you to contact the Shopware team directly. This is the most expensive option, but as such, it includes all the functionalities and unlimited support.

Furthermore, please keep in mind an open-source Community Edition we've already mentioned.
Shopify plans:
- Basic. For USD 29 per month, you can use the basic subscription plan, which includes basic reports, up to 1000 inventory locations, and 2 staff accounts.
- Shopify. This plan includes professional reports, up to 1000 inventory locations, and 5 staff accounts, for USD 79 per month.
- Advanced. The advanced plan includes a custom report builder, up to 1000 inventory locations, and 15 staff accounts, for USD 299 per month.
It’s worth mentioning that Shopify also offers a three-day free trial that lets you try out the platform, and the plans are currently discounted (which means prices may differ from the standard pricing).

Flexibility in eCommerce: why is it so important?
ECommerce is one of the fastest-developing sectors in the world. That’s why you should take your time when choosing an eCommerce platform. When making a comparison of Shopware vs Shopify, we considered the following aspects of leading eCommerce platforms:
- Flexibility,
- Freedom,
- A wide selection of functionalities,
- Easy implementation of changes.
While both Shopify and Shopware offer rich possibilities, the latter also gives you more freedom. Before you purchase it, make sure that the platform meets your expectations, especially in terms of a custom UI and extended functionalities.
Shopware also holds an advantage in terms of the user experience. The platform allows you to create purchase worlds and experience worlds, which are adjusted to both your consumers and vendors. The developers believe that this advanced customization should follow the expectations of Shopware’s audience.
So, Shopware vs Shopify? Which eCommerce platform is the best for you?
Picking the right platform is not an easy task. That’s why it’s worth familiarizing yourself with each option before making a final decision.
When it comes to Shopware vs Shopify, the choice is even more complicated. Both are viable solutions when it comes to creating online stores. However, the key differences between the two top eCommerce platforms are just as significant to consider as the similarities, as they will also affect your business outcomes.
Before you opt for either Shopware or Shopify, keep in mind that there are three essential factors in the world of eCommerce: flexibility; the ability to briefly introduce new products, which appear on the market almost every day; and customizability.
Have you already decided what eCommerce platform you’d like to pick? Or maybe you’d like to ask some questions about online stores? If so, then feel free to contact us, and we’ll work on developing your online store together.